Digital Artist, Full-Stack Developer

My headshot

I am a web developer with a strong design background. I also have experience working with online commerce and marketing for several fashion & makeup industry startups.

My academic achievements include a first-class BA(Hons) from the University of Westminster in Photographic Arts and a postgraduate masters degree in Digital Arts from UAL, London.

While working on my masters thesis I taught photography to animation undergraduates in Helsinki, Finland, on a program supported by Pixar. Originally contracted for a single semester, I enjoyed it so much that I stayed for three years, founding and managing an entirely new facility for digital capture.

As a digital artist who dabbles in backend technologies I am now studying full stack JavaScript development using the MERN stack at UC Berkeley Extension. I love building apps and my goal is to work more extensively with back and front end integration for design-lead projects.


  • Full 'MERN' Stack Development
  • JavaScript | Express | React | Node
  • Mongo DB | SQL
  • HTML | CSS | Bootstrap

  • UC Berkeley | Full-Stack Bootcamp
  • MA Digital Arts | University of the Arts London (UAL)
  • BA(Hons) Photographic Arts | University of Westminster
  • ND Design / HNC | City of Westminster College